Monday, December 17, 2012

Dope Shope by Honey Singh feat Deep Money

This is not about a success story, contrary to what the title of the post mentions. Its' about how always in life you have to leave the past behind, accept the present and recent past screw ups and the most cliche'd line I've used till date. . . . move on in life.

Its how about sometimes trying to accept you're part of the crowd. And more importantly, enjoying the fact you're part of the crowd and to try to quit being a leader, a Neophyte and/or someone who brings in CHANGE and says Yes, We Can.

Because, its always easier watching Barack speak . Maybe Being Obama is harder .

This is the 2nd time I've screwed up over 12 months time duration . He Succeeded twice. I screwed up twice. The timeline differs. But the desire to bring in change was the same. Perhaps the simple fact that both of us Tried should keep me happy but it doesn't .

Maybe I should be more discreet in trying to separate myself from the crowd. There are many ways to do that .

And I know all of them

P.S. Just changed the post Title. Watch the video of that song on youtube. The Guy playing the handsome surd reminds me of Abhiyutthan Singh Jadaon .

Monday, December 10, 2012

Alpha Males

an endangered species now. Can't blame genetics but can surely blame the environment for it. With television, radio and internet exuding sexuality at all times, alpha males have now become servile to the beta female and the kids she provides him with . So in all eventuality all he ultimately becomes is a provider with very limited life of his own .

Saturday, December 8, 2012

21st Century Living


Just reminding you of the alphabet in case you forgot 

Nothing in particular, Everything in General

Life is a sequence of events some of which are unpredictable, and most of which in the present world order are, well, orderly . Sometimes I wonder if everyone is schizophrenic to a certain extent and if psychiatric conditions are global in nature. In which case the only way people can be kept Normal going by the psychiatric definition is keeping them permanently suppressed in their thought process.

Most world governments do the suppression process by creating bodies and giving some people among the general people more power than others. I'm not fully aware of the process of selecting those persons but the common methodology is examinations etc . At least in India it is. The recent Aseem Trivedi issue, the J&K news that we so commonly hear, and the NorthEast freedom struggles, all are signs of a greater evil. People do not want to be part of our 'democracy' and maybe its best for us to appreciate this .

No I am not anti democracy . I believe it to be a great thing in which we vote once over 4 years after hearing  out manifestoes and promises, sometimes even from a 'Leader' who is foreign and ruling through a faithful 2nd in command. Do not understand the obvious here. I'm not talking of whom you're thinking about. Have you ever wondered Democracy = Power away from you instead of power to you ?

To bring to conclusion my blogposts while I'm on meds, do go and caste your vote whenever the elections take place and try to be an active part of the government, both municipal, local and central .

Non Sibi Sed Omnibus

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Just at the bottom of the Medical Pyramid

I had a good day today. After managing to wake up early and put in some reading of behavioral sciences, I relaxed for a greater part of the afternoon and had an outing in the evening with some elective students that I've managed to make friends with . These include 2 really funny Afghans, a TamBram American Indian, and this guy Ninad who has managed to travel and live in a lot of cities in India and is presently studying medicine in Germany .

Ninad has cycled from Germany all the way north to Scandinavia last summer over 28days . Which is amazing . Everytime I meet new people I realise the reality of how much I have really done in life and more importantly, how much remains to do . In retrospect, somehow being among the better students in school resulted in me studying hard henceforth and somehow landing up in KEM, only to face the prospects of having to go on studying hard.

When I spoke to Ninad, he mentioned that since he always like relaxing more than studying, that resulted in him having to go to study abroad in germany where he did a bachelors course followed by a random application to medical school that somehow got accepted. And now here he is, on the verge of beginning residency with a good 2k Euro a month . Absolutely brilliant. Put in having cycled all the way up north, being the lead singer of a band, and having lived 9 years in Europe . I so want to be him right now .

Changing tracks, I must talk more about the title of this post, which is about me beginning my internship at a Municipal Hospital in mumbai where I'll work 8 hours a day, sometimes upto 24 doing mostly blood collections and learning whatever I can practically listen to or be taught ( who's chances I wish were stronger )  while they pay me a stipend of 2,300 a month . I love my life.

Today evening was fun, and I come back pumped with endorphins, feeling all good and happy.

Must sleep now to wake up at 5 that is, if the mind permits.

Thanks for reading HibaKushaPigMeat
Signing off,

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Internship Begins

So I have cleared my Final MBBS Exam after vagabonding for most of the same year and travelling to more places in 8 months than I did in the past 19 years . It has been worth every moment of it. Not only have I observed a fairly good part of the country and its superficial functioning but have also managed to meet some really interesting people, a select part of whom I will continue to know for a long time. I will admit I'm hugely relieved even though I'd been telling myself that It'd be a new experience if I did have to put in 6 months extra to repeat the exam if the need arose.

The thing for me to remember now is that like every other major checkpoint in life or those that we consider major checkpoints, I start with a clean slate. I will come across new procedures, management protocols, senior colleagues and will have to interact with many more people on different levels and its going to be quite an experience for me . Pointer to self is to take everything that happens in a positive manner and move on . And to limit expectations more so those that I keep for myself .

Changing tracks completely, I've recently met S D, a visiting medical elective student from Dallas . He's matching for medical school residency in a months time . I've had detailed conversation with him on residency in his home country and it has only further stimulated me to pursue the same . That has been one thing I'm happy to clear out of my head since its been on it for about 6 months now. Phew it feels good .

I started studying behavioral science today and am quite satisfied with Day 0 (thats what I'll call this day the 26th of february) work and hope to continue and build up on it as I go about with the target of writing the exam ASAP . There is a lot of new information to take in and also some known information put in a more interactive format. I can clearly state this is going to be a fairly good 6 months for me .

We are going to Sewree mudflats early morning tomorrow. Sewree is a locality situated on the south eastern end of the peninsula that Mumbai is . It stands in contrast to the more heavily populated localities of mumbai due to its proximity to the dockyard and industrial townships . The one thing that lets it be more populous than it should be is the fact that mangrove forests are situated on its coast and migratory flamingoes arrive here in winter bringing with them a good deal of photo and videography enthusiasts and professionals . This is my first time to the sewree coastal area at dawn and I'm sure as hell looking forward to it .

10 am tomorrow is my internship orientation Day 1( I exit the peak of the student and start from the bottom of the professional worker pyramid now ) . Wish me goodluck and godspeed.

Thanks for reading HibaKushaPigMeat

Monday, January 30, 2012


I met up with KP today after about a month - we had breakfast together followed by hot chocolate at a coffee shop closer to college .  And of course, 3 hours of conversation .

Let me tell you more about her - KP is a senior whom i have known for about 6 months . She did her graduation in medicine from a medical college in Pune and on completion of the same has been living at home in Parel, Mumbai and studying for her entrance exams

I first saw KP during my days in the library in my 3rd professional year Part I when we studied Preventive and Social Medicine, Ear Nose Throat and Ophthalmology . I would sit in the library at a table commonly occupied by myself, my surdy friend KD and very often by KP herself . She has this habit of flashing her bright smile at people and thats the first thing my subconscious noticed about her . Apart from that the fact that when at times I would occupy her seat while it was vacant because she was out, on her return she would simply pick up her books and move to another seat while I offered to let her have the seat back to herself .

But I only made conversation with her on one random day last year when I decided that I definitely must speak to this interesting looking yet definitely 'need to come out of her shell' person . And so while I spotted her in campus I went up to her and surprised her with my at times overwhelming friendliness with people. Only very few can come to terms with it so I have polished it a lot more now and I come across as more 'Sane' is probably the right word for it  .

About 6 months have passed since then and we have gradually become really good friends . Mostly because I am so amazed by her intellectually bright side which reads so many different kinds of literature every week - including newspapers, fiction, non fiction, yoga books and of course the entrance test material . Apart from which she attends literary festivals, keeps me updated on the Art and Literary events happening around the country - latest of all being the Indian Art Fair while I was in Delhi earlier this week .

Most of all though it is so amazing to have someone who has so much to talk about, and a flashy smile , deep yet feminine voice while she goes about speaking. I must admit that though I listen carefully most of the time, there have been instances at which I only listen to the pitch of the voice - its so soothing .

Getting back to my point, I met KP today after a month and it felt so light and free to listen to the events that have transpired in her life in the past one month . She has been studying with a friends' flat and has been applying for jobs in the meanwhile . And of course, fulfilling her love for literature - she is presently reading a book by Richard P Feynman which is a Penguin classic that I saw with her today .

Since I'm leaving for Oman, she gifted me 2 books for the journey, which I will have to keep very carefully and get back in mint condition since I am probably one of the select lucky few to be loaned books to, which I understand since she wishes to keep her books just the way she bought them . Wish me luck for the same . So - the books are Animal Farm by George Orwell and From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne. I am very glad to receive the latter since after hearing about the same from her I was looking forward to reading it .

KP is clearly passionate about Surgery and I wish from the bottom of my heart that she gets what she wants and manages to continue be her amazing self for a long time .

Kudos to You, KP. You rock !

P.S. I leave for home in Oman today after 3 months. Glad to get back to my sister whos' photos can be seen on and .

For giving your time to reading HibaKushaPigMeat, Thank You, Dear Reader